Friday, 13 November 2020

Diary of a wimpy kid The long haul

..spring something on someone

Гэнэт хэлэх, гэнэдүүлэх

Mom sprung a trip on us without any warning

Ээж аяллын талаар бидэнд ямарч анхааруулгагүйгээр гэнэт хэлсэн

...get the wheels turning

бүх зүйлийг эхлүүлэх, баталгаатай эхлүүлэх

It was gonna get Mom's wheels turning

Энэ ч ээжийг бат араанд нь хийх нь гарцаагүй

measure up to

түүн шиг сайн байх, хангалттай байх

We can never measure up to the ones they show in the magazine.

Бид сэтгүүл дээр гарсан шиг хангалттай сайн байж чаддаггүй

 go downhill

муудах, байдал дордох

things went downhill fast

байдал шууд дордов

the temperature dropped below freezing

гадаа хүйтэрч эхэллээ

bare essentials

зөвхөн шаардлагатай зүйлс

get nose two inches from

салгалгүй ширтэх

they've constantly got their noses two inches from a screen

тэд тувт дэлгэц ширтдэг

so that put an end to that idea

ингээд өнөөх санал нь шууд үгүйсгэгдлээ

chime in 

ярианд оролцох

chimed in with his own idea

өөрийн саналыг хэлж ярианд оролцов

cave in

бууж өгөх

so she caved in

тэр бууж өгч зөвшөөрөв


удаан хадгалагдна

they were not exactly keepers

тэд нар ч удаан хэрэглэгдэхгүй л болов уу

bootleg copy

хууль бус хуулбар

I couldn't believe I poured my heart out to this guy and all I got was an AD.

сэтгэлээ нээх

Even though that whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth, I still like his books.

онцгүй дурсамж үлдээх

I really needed to get out of the car to prevent my legs from permanently cramping 

хөл бадайрах

We picked one on the lower end of the spectrum

хамгийн доод түвшин

Five seconds later he was out cold

нам унтах

Dad’s music was pretty awful, but the view totally made up for it.

муухайг нь нөхөх

Sitting up front, I had a whole new perspective and would almost see why mom was so gung ho about taking this trip. 

хэт хөөрөх

I decided to explore the nearby stalls while Rodrick was polishing off his stick of fried butter.

хам хум идэх

I had a seriously close call when I turned a corner and almost ran smack into the entire family.

аюулд өртөхөө шахах

улаан нүүрээрээ халз тулах

People were packed shoulder to shoulder, and I tried pushing my way through to get to where mom was.

пиг чихэлдэх

But I should've known there was a catch.

нэг сул тал

She said we should find a doctor to check it out which didn't calm my nerves any.

намайг огт тайвшруулаагүй

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